OPUS 1 Birou de Arhitectura
Proiectare si servicii conexe

Dam forma si sens mediului construit

proiectare si servicii conexe

Arhitectul trebuie
sa constientizeze importanta operei arhitecturale

Proiectare si servicii conexe. Mediul construit contribuie la formarea individului si a societatii umane, iar arhitectura da forma si sens acestui mediu. Responsabilitatea arhitectilor depaseste sfera esteticului, incluzandu-l. De aceea, in timp, am abordat diverse domenii conexe care au intrat in portofoliul de servicii oferite de Atelierul de arhitectura Opus 1.


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Clienti multumiti

We are extremly grateful to Anca and Paul for being the creators of our house. They proved to be excelent arhitects, with new ideas and great care for details and for the future masterpiece being focused to find the right balance and not to compromise the arhitecture and the design, achieving at the same time the needed functionalities. They listened deeply all our needs and found great and creative solutions to our chalenges keeping the contemporist style. We love how they combined stone, glass, metal, wood, windows, natural light, wide spaces and volumes creating the feeling that the rooms are bigger and communicate directly with the exterior bringing the garden or the sky inside. They are open-minded with a growth mindset and it was truly easy to communicate and cooperate with - we discussed every idea and they made sure that we understood pro and cons and implications, so was more than a pleasure to partener with them. It was an exciting journey in which we relied on their talent, know-how, creativity, real involvement and care. Even if we are living in our house for some years we keep saying that we trully love it and definitely is a project that will last over the time.

Cristina Onofrei